Friday, November 18, 2011


There has been some time been given to me. I have 31st December to finish the project. What I have to do is to finish "Cao Brothers Pvt. Ltd" , script, storyboarding and the panels. And put that up.
 I have also decided to outsource the technicals, to polish it. Because I have been told that it doesn't matter what medium the comic comes in. The medium basically doesn't really matter. What matters is the comic. And that was where I had gone off track a bit. Hence this dear diary type project update.
 I have also got to redo the illustrations that i have, because details are being lost in the current coloring style. I think a revaluation of that has to be done. I already have thoughts as to what i can do. I don't think it requires complete style change, but changes have to be made.
 Also the "dynamism" of the panel changes are not going down too well with people over 25, apparently, so that has to be "tweaked".
 So, this is whats brewing in my mind right now. More details as it happens.

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