Review Feedback

1st Review Panel meeting minutes:

What I got:

# Too much text has been shown today and not enough visual iterations or there wasnt much in the way of visual presentation.
#Research into more textural things have to be done to add weight to the story.
#I have to do more visual representations.
#Get going on the story itself.
#Create a mood board
#Create visual personas
#Upload on the blog more detailed thought processes.
#Develop site design
#figure out what I want to do what in terms of frames and story movement.

What Siddharth added to it was:
1. Exploration on the character style and deciding it to use in comic story
2. Essential Mood-board creation or Visual Collage
3. Seeing at the time line - divide the project in 2 phase - 1) Comic Story creation  2) Presenting through online web upload
4. Define the Dynamic Activities to be happen on the comic book site
5. Define the engagement of the interactivity level in the story to present online.
6. Define the general web layout for the online comic book pesentation

2nd Review Panel Meeting minutes:

Did not have a lot of visuals to show because of which the following has happened:

+ People are I think still unclear as to where I am going with the project.
+ There is a distinct lack felt in the amount of visuals that was produced.
+There was also a need felt for me to start working out the technological aspects of the project (coding and wireframing) along with the visuals because both are interdependent upon each other in a project like this.
+ I need to do a much more in detail version of storyboarding. 
+I also need to get my character visuals fixed and the styles involved fixed.