Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Finalization of Characters: Che Guevara/1

Pencils. This has turned out to be my Waterloo. Considering, as I said before, how easy it was to caricature Castro, doing Che has nearly killed me. So even I dont particularly like the results, so I'm not expecting glowing reviews. But as long as he's recognizable, right? Lot of people can't do a lot of things. I can't spell airplane without spell check and apparently draw Che. :|

This is the initial failed attempt at studying the profile. Was failing even then.

The action figures are so little in number because I dont have him doing so much in the script yet. Will draw more once I move ahead with more pages of the script, and anyway, knowing the story he isn't going to be doing calisthenics. He is Che, but he is a pretty old and well taken care of Che.